Faith needs to be lived out daily!
Goal of today’s study: Learn about Bible reading, Lord’s Prayer, and Quiet Time
Salvation is not the end, but the beginning of our lifelong journey with God. Baptism marks the start, not the finish line. To stop there, believing the race is over, would result in stunted spiritual growth, or worse, no growth at all. The Christian life is an ongoing relationship with God, and just like any relationship, it requires nurturing. As believers, we must actively seek to know how to walk this path. We are not meant to walk it alone; God walks with us.
This is why it is essential to:
Did You Know?
Need Prayer?
If you have a prayer request, we'd love to pray for you.
We have many prayer needs, and anyone can join us in prayer via Zoom on Wednesday nights 7pm.
We have many prayer needs, and anyone can join us in prayer via Zoom on Wednesday nights 7pm.